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đŸ’«Digital vs. PrintđŸ’„

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

We've heard pros, cons and everything in between but how is the digital push really affecting you?

I have a burning question... is it just ironic that the most popular e-reader is named Kindle and our paper books are going down in flames? Probably just a coincidence right?

Today, I want to weigh in on a hot topic (sorry, I can't resist)...ereader vs. print... in an epic showdown, readers want to know which is better. So, let's jump in...

The great debate

Ereaders are both loved and feared, they hold hundreds of books in them at a fraction of the weight, but they also require a charging cable and a higher up front cost than a traditional book. If you're a minimalist looking for what brings you joy without the clutter, this may be your best option.

Traditional books have far more sentimental value in them, they're more durable (kinda) and far more impressive to look at collectively. If someone shows me a bookshelf I'd be way more impressed than someone scrolling through their available titles on a Kindle. It is not the same #SorryNotSorry.😁

Although most may argue along these lines, the real debate is about more than sleek appearances and practicality of ereaders vs. traditional books, it's about the respective differences in comprehension of the text, which... as we all know, is of the upmost importance.

Does reading from a screen make a difference?


Reading from a device has proven differences than reading tangible printed text guys! You don't even have to take my word for it, there are some serious scholars weighing in on this debate too and, to be frank... print is #winning.

In a meta- analysis conducted by the University of Buffalo shows the comparative data reading performance, measured in several categories. The meta-analysis pulled data sets from 17 different studies, and compared readers comprehension and speed on two media modes; print and digital.

The results of the study concluded that reading from print is more conducive to your comprehension than reading from a screen. The study also notes that there is no real advantage towards the speediness of reading done through either medium.

They way you consume the work is indicative of how much you will internalize and retain. This means your medium, weather it's an ereader, traditional book, audiobook, smoke signal...whatever, influences your cognitive relation to the materials being read.

So which is it?

It depends on the purpose of your reading really. If you're reading for leisure, or skimming an article then an ereader may be the easier route. But if you're reading to have a more personal experience with the material, reading from an assignment or doing some deep personal reading, you may want to grab a print copy!📖


References: Yiren Kong, Young Sik Seo, Ling Zhai,Comparison of reading performance on screen and on paper: A meta-analysis,Computers & Education, Volume 123,2018,Pages 138-149,ISSN 0360-1315,

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