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Hi Readers!


Welcome to The (un)Bound Book Blog! Just like many of you, I'm a lover of all things literary. I don't have a fancy degree, no long list of publications or accolades either, but I love reading! 📖 


More importantly, I love the community created through reading, the process of reading analysis and discovery through thoughtful discussion.📚Exploration through text and other mixed medias can open our eyes to experience the world around us in ways we've never imagined. 


This blog is for the novice, the intermediate and, at times, the advanced reader. This isn't a snobby book blog, and I can assure you I am not a 'pinky up' kind of reader.😇 You can think of me as your book club guide or a troop leader for writing and new media.


I created this space for us to share a mutual love for reading, explore our passion, harness our craft and learn some neat things along the way.

I hope you enjoy the blog!😁 





P.S Feel free to connect with me, I love hearing from you!​


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