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Lead in to the 'Read-In'

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

With Covid-19 keeping us all trapped indoors for a while, this is a perfect time to catch up on your reading list! Let's dive into the 'Read-In' together.

Hey Readers,

Although the doom and gloom associated with Covid-19 has descended upon us, forcing us into #quarantine, it is now we must band together and remind one another...

We were built for such a time as this!

If you haven't done it already, you can organize your book shelf, prioritize your 'to -be- read' piles and crack the spine of your next read.

Let's Kick It Off

Ok, let's keep it 💯 life tends to get in the way of our #Bookgoals, the one thing this quarantine has forced us to do is SLOW DOWN. We have the opportunity to do the things we don't normally have time for now that the world has hit the pause button so to speak.

Get Inspired

Be creative, mix it up and read new authors or genres.

Now we can go a little wild with our reading list. Try out a genre you wouldn't normally read. Get some #bookinspo from friends or family members even if you're not sure to try or read something from our suggested list here on the blog.

Good Luck!

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